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0$ bike from Craigslist
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Author:  paralleljalebi [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  0$ bike from Craigslist

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I got this 0$ bike from Craigslist in Arbor Lodge, north Portland. It was 30$ originally listed but as I handed the bag of quarters, he just gave it to me for free. Maddox and I showed up in the early evening after a good lunch at Burgerville. It was a cold walk to-and-from the spot, but the view along Willamette Blvd. is worth it. Plus it's a free bike.

Three-speed cruiser with just a bit of dirt to it. I like the handlebars. I still need to learn how to ride it.
Author:  paralleljalebi [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 0$ bike from Craigslist

A few days prior to Wednesday's e-mail barrage upon Craigslist sellers in the area, my friend Maddox and I were on a search for a bike downtown. We spent most of the time *not* searching, but we checked one Goodwill. Couldn't find any, and all the bike shops I looked up online were either not open or had listings online that were only out of my price range. We ended up going to get coffee near the OHSU buildings down by the south waterfront region. We ended up taking the Portland Aerial Tram, my first time, and his second time, or something.

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It cost $8.50 for the round-trip, and it's a consistent five-minute frequency the entire day. We went around the tailend of sunset. As the doors close in the tram, the silence feels intense, like an airplane cabin only sparsely filled with tired students commuting. We were absolutely stunned as the tram slowly elevated, revealing through its wide-spanning windows the entire city within our view. It's magical seeing the lights of every building, of every vehicle on the Ross Island bridge, the glowing frame of the Tilikum Crossing, and the skyline become taller with the late sunset hues. We immediately wrapped around the turnstiles to take the tram back down. We didn't end up getting a bike that day but it was worth the experience.

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Author:  paralleljalebi [ Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 0$ bike from Craigslist

Also on the day we took the tram, we went to the best Subway in the region. It's a classic little relic of the old décor, hidden in plain sight in the financial suits section of downtown. The photos of the produce are glorious, the lighting warm against the cold exterior, the subtle imagery of New York City plastered against the wall. I will cry when it gets remodeled or closes.

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Author:  matt [ Sun Jan 26, 2025 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 0$ bike from Craigslist

the queen $0 bike from Craigslist
Author:  geminiworkshops [ Sun Feb 02, 2025 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 0$ bike from Craigslist

so fucking cooooooool
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